Weight: 25 lbs 8 oz 20 percentile....little guy needs to beef up!
Height: 34" 50 percentile
Head Cir.: 19" 50 percentile
He is soooooo ornery!!
His new favorite words or phrases are:
I'm done.
I want that.
I want more.
Pee Pee
He has been naming things lately, like: bird, tree, rock and he'll say tweet tweet when he sees a bird.
He is doing really well with potty training. He does good at church and with the babysitter. He really enjoys peeing outside and has even learned if he sways his hips he can make the pee fling around! The other night he squatted and left two big surprises on my garage floor. I say that is a good thing since he doesn't want to go in his underwear. He was just too busy playing and didn't have the time to come inside.
He is a wonderful blessing and I thank God for him everyday. He has changed my life.
What is it with boys and going potty outside...I am thinking of locking my bathroom door and making them go outside all summer! Ha!
Just checkin' in...we have 12 girls signed-up so far!!! I just wanted to encourage you and let you know I am prayin' the following for you, "Father, we are your children. Jesus is Lord over our spirit, soul, and BODY. I praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful; we know that full well. Lord, I thank YOU for declaring your plans for us - plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. WE CHOOSE to renew our minds to YOUR PLANS for a healthy lifestyle. You have abounded towards us with all prudence and wisdome. Therefore, we give thought to our steps. Teach us knowledge and good judgement with concerns to our bodies. Our bodies are for you Lord. So here is what we want to do with YOUR help, Father God. We choose to take our everyday, ordinary lives - our sleeping, our eating, our excercising, our going to work, our walking-around lives, and PLACE THEM BEFORE YOU AS LIVING SACRIFICES. Christ, the Messiah, will be magnified and receive the glory and praise in each of our bodies and minds. Thank you Lord for the help you are giving us! In Jesus Name! Amen!!! (out of the Prayers That Avail Much) Have a great day! Your Biggest Loser Bloggin' Style Friend - Dawn
Congrats on graduating Shannon!!! I think you deserve extra credit for doing it with three kids! You AMAZE ME!!!
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